Legal Advice

Legal Advice

When you make a decision to buy a property in North Cyprus you will be in need of lawyer during the purchasing process to make sure all paperwork is fine and that the necessary payments and registration of your contract will be done properly. The North Cyprus legal system is based on the British legal system and it is important to understand the full procedure, and what additional costs and taxes you will have to pay, before signing the final contract to avoid any unnecessary headache in the future.

KAIROS make sure you get the right legal advice when buying a property in North Cyprus and we always give our customers a choice of legal representatives who have the right qualifications and experience in the industry. During our inspection trips and group tours we invite an independent legal representative that will go through the buying process together with you and where you will have a chance to ask your questions directly to the lawyer.

We can always offer referrals to back up the service that have been offered from these lawyers to our previous clients, but of course the customer always has the option of finding their own legal representation. If you want us to connect you with a legal representative in North Cyprus, please contact us for more information.

If you wish to know about the steps in buying a home in North Cyprus you will find all the necessary information in our BUYERS GUIDE. Click here to read more or contact any of our property consultants as we offer all our customers free consulting without any charge or commitments.
